I have lived in Oklahoma my entire life. I was born at Baptist Medical Center (now Integris) I went to Norman Public Schools, I attended the University of Oklahoma, and I STILL live in Norman. I moved to Oklahoma City for a few years during nursing school but that was the extent of my experience leaving home. After 23 years... it is time to leave.
Ryan was granted an amazing opportunity to work as an Associate Planner for the County and City of Denver. He took it immediately and moved out there in April. After spending about 8 years in Oklahoma, Ryan is, and has been, ready to get back to his home state of Colorado. So we're off!!
After Ryan left to start his new career, I stayed home working and packing up the house. It has been a lonely 6 weeks and I am more than ready to live with my husband again. The house is in shambles and it is driving me nuts living in a house of boxes. Although I am ready to get on with our lives... it is a very bittersweet ordeal. I am very close with my family and I am not sure how moving will affect our relationships. Hopefully it will only make them stronger, but I worry nonetheless. In addition, all my friends are here that I have grown up with since elementary and middle school. My college and high school friends are here as well.... well, most of them. Picking up and starting all over again in a completely foreign place is quite intimidating. There are a lot of things here that I will miss! And a few that I will not.
This is the current chaos that I call home right now. I will not miss this mess.
The new garden I planted in the backyard... I will miss this.
And of course all my rose bushes that I have worked so hard on the last year.... I will miss these!
Although Norman, Oklahoma will always be MY home.. I am excited for Ryan and I to make OUR home in Denver. Follow us as we explore, learn, and celebrate our new lives.....