Wednesday, June 22, 2011

the land of sports

Colorado is a busy place and this last week has proven that. There is a wide variety events to attend, sports to play, activities to partake in, restaurants to eat at, cities to visit, mountains to climb, must I go on? So the first thing I did was join a soccer team.  One of Ryan's coworkers mentioned that he played in a coed outdoor league. When Ryan told him I used to play he asked if I would join the team.  We are called the Ninjas and we are horrible! But that's okay. I am just grateful to be back on the field, getting some touches in, sprinting around in the altitude with burning lungs, and re-experiencing a sport I have loved for much of my life. We have a game tonight....I'm hoping we will win one! Keep your fingers crossed!

Last week my Dad flew in town on the way home from a business trip in California.  He thought he would just drop in for the night and fly back home the following morning.  We had an amazing day together. I showed him around my neighborhood, took him to a local eatery/pub called Sully's (which has the Denver Biscuit Co. inside--- if you ever get the chance to eat one of their biscuit sandwiches, DO!), had a few drinks on our awesome front porch, walked around downtown and showed him the 16th street mall, and we ended the night with a baseball game: Rockies vs Tigers. The Rockies won!  The three of us drank beer, ate nachos and hotdogs, and watched Tulowitski make some fantastic defensive plays.  Who thought a Rockies game could be so much fun?  Oh and not to mention, the weather was perfect. High 60's to mid 70's all day I believe. We had a great night!

The following night, as part of my welcome to Colorado gift 'basket', Ryan and I went to watch the Colorado Rapids play the LA Galaxy soccer team. I thought we would see David Beckham and Landon Donovan but neither of them came out to play! Oh well, we had fun without seeing them and it was obvious their team didn't need the help! The stadium they have for these games is very cool.  It comfortably seats almost everyone who wants to come watch but its not too big of a complex.  They have plenty of food and drinks... including cocktails and shots! Crazy! This state and their drinking.... !  The Rapids got killed by the Galaxy, 3-1.  But that's okay because we had a great time regardless and I'm sure we'll be going back.

And to add to our busy weekend we went on a hike this week. I've been kind of down because I have to join the real world and go back to work :( I was really enjoying staying at home in the awesome weather and getting our little house put together. Anyways, Ryan could tell that I needed to get out and do something. So he gave me a list of things to pack and I picked him up after work. We drove to Boulder and went on a hike. We took a 2 hour hike up Saint Sanitas, which ended up being about a 1300 foot climb in elevation.  Not too shabby!

The view from the top was amazing and the workout was pretty damn good as well.  We plan to do at least one hike a week and eventually we want to climb the 14,000+ ft mountains in CO. Looks like it's going to be a long summer! :)

1 comment:

  1. so so much fun!! enjoy it all, friend. especially now that you're back with your hubby :)
